Process Rate Calculations, LB/HR and FT/MIN.

Shown below are common rate and material density calculators. Converting specific gravity (g/cm^3) to pounds per cubic inch (lb/in^3) and back is convenient.
To determine foot per minute (ft/min) and pounds per hour (bl/hr) rates from product dimensions and material density is also very convenient.
Use the approximate densities provided on the material page or use exact density data from the material suppliers.

        gm/cm^3 lb/in^3
Convert Specific Gravity (gm/cm^3) to lbs/in^3        
          lb/in^3 gm/cm^3
Convert Specific Gravity (gm/cm^3) to lbs/in^3        
    OD ID Specific
gravity (lb/in^3)
lb/hr ft/min
Determine ft/min given product size, specific gravity and lb/hr rate.  
    OD ID ft/min Specific
gravity (lb/in^3)
Determine lb/hr given product size, specific gravity and ft/min speed.  

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